Sprites? Like the soda?
Short answer: Basically video game characters. I mostly stick to Super Nintendo era and earlier.

So you just paint old video game characters?
Mostly, yes. I do have some ideas to branch out into other pixelated stuff but for the most part I just like painting characters from retro video games.

I know what sprites are, and your paintings are NOT sprites because...
I use the term loosely because I feel it gets the point across about the subject matter is, and it's commonly used for this kind of thing (see: beadsprites). Also I gave up arguing on the internet years ago, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

If you're just following a pixel guide, isn't it pretty much just paint-by-number?
Yeah, kind of. A lot of the time goes in to making the grid, following the guide, and getting the right colors/brush work, but otherwise - yep, it's just following a pattern. I never claimed to be creative, I just do it for fun!

Are your paintings for sale?
Not really. I paint as a hobby and have no intention or desire to try to make money from it. However, I would be interested in donating paintings to be raffled at charity events or things of that nature if there is any interest.

Do you have an Etsy store?
No. (see above)

Can you paint [X] for me?

Maybe. I'm always looking for ideas of sprites to paint! As I said above, I'm not interested in selling paintings, but I'd consider taking requests just for fun if it's something I think would be fun to paint. I would only ask that you cover shipping cost.

Why watercolor?
Really I just like watercolor because it's easy to work with and clean up. I would like to give my paintings more of the traditional watercolor look eventually, but I'm still a noob so there isn't a lot of technique beyond coloring the squares right now.

How long have you been doing this?
I just started in July 2018, so not long at all. Definitely an easy thing to get started in and I highly recommend trying it!

What paints/brushes/paper do you use?
I have a mixture of stuff I got from my local art supply store - nothing fancy, but not the cheapest you can by either. I just try to stay middle of the road. I'm guessing as I get more experienced I might develop brand preferences.

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